// ^y ^AAc ^M^t of Who L^g^^ismvw WM) fm tbc WAT k$W$W4Memfw The operation of the new legislawtw, executive ami judicial appropriation bill, taUn^eHUct today, requires the following changed in the War Department: SWNAL OFFICk. Transfers: From civilian assistant at $4,500 to professor of meteorology at $4,000, Cleveland Abbe; from Junior professors at $1,800 to assistant professors of meteorology at $1,800, Henry A. Hazen, Chaa F. Marvin. Thoa Russell; from clerk at $1*200 to clerk of class 1, Clara T. Emory; from clerks at $600 to copyists at $600, Anna G. Ney-hart, Florence Lower; from laborer at $420 to $450, Wm. Plummer. ADJCTANT-GENaRAL'8 0VTICK. Discharges: Assistant messengers. James Plant, James O. Baurdeld, Harmon T. Lord, Thou. W. Piper and Wm. T. Golden. Watchmen, Alphonso W. Ikaria, Wm. IL Goodacre, Nicholas McGowan, Thomas 81ms, Theo. Winn, Wm. B. Denny, Jan. McGrath, Chas. A. Lang, Jno BL Dowell, Thea Mack, Jno. H. Kerr. Arthur H. Yeatman, John Leahy. Jeremiah Collins and Washington I* Parvin. Transfer, assistant messenger, Dant'*! Donovan to sama grade, command mg GontraPs uH3ca, ^UAKTMMAk!HU-OKNKRALU OFrfCA. P^Whotlons: From ciass 3 to class 4, Henry EL Parmenter; from class 1 to class 2, prank R. Holden and John A. Botts; from $1,060 to class 1, Annie G. Davis, Susan C. Hoy, Victoria J. Le Compte and Emma J. Brewer; trom copyists to class $1,000, Johanna W. Turner, Harriet Chur, Jane P. Montgomery, Elizabeth W. Owen, Ed-monia 8. Crawford and Eliza c. Bull; from copyists to skilled type-writers at $1,000, Kate R. Hill, Annie E. Lcuunia and Mary L. Manger. Transfers: From t, ms $L0Q0 to skilled type-writers at $1,000, Annie Hsrulng, Marcia Richardson and Jennie Lawson; from clerks of claw 2 to class 1, to A. G. O., B.J. CDrfscoH, Thomas J. baunder^; from claw 1 to same crude, A. G. O., Wm. Ludgate and Sa^nuel W. Tucker. Discharged: Assistant niet^ sengers, Thomas Alien and George w. (Hadens; watchmen, Michael 1*. Desmond, Jarnos o. Hara, Patrick Delahanty ?and Tbc^s. H. cross; (nglneer, atgH200, Bamuel Dale; hremau, James Payne; laborers, Samuel H. Brown, Thomas Jones; char-wt^uen, Eliz. Hammond and Isalwba Mackin. Appointments; Laborers, Wm. Quinn and Dennis Horrigan. SriKHOM-UZXEKALH OFUUE. Reductions: From class 4tuciaw3, G^rge E. Corson; from class 3 to elas" 2. John A. Wise; fcmi class 2 to claw 1, Wilson D. Palmer, Stepheu C. ban^m, Jam^s V. Rear noy, Charles A. Perkins, Aifr^u Buss, 'lattbew Ryan and Wm. b. Mcl'hvr-son; ih^m class 1 tufl.ooo, Herman J. ^ Lultel^, AVm. J Lein, Curnchu. t. ^Ph f, ttchlbald Blown, Hur^ e piper and Napol-^m B. FUhiau. PronDot&Ui*: From ciaw 3 L? class 4. Ernst Schmid am George W. Fisher; trom class 2 to 3, Wm. M. Lay and Wm. H. Deg^c^; Dvm class 1 to claw 2, K M. Patrick, Charan i:. B o kar; c. F. Smail, John D. Leon&rd, Andrew Kalstrom, F. K. Da vl i, James H. Dony, Alex. ( . V trela and Juhn F. t :tah; from $1,000 co ciao*!, Wm. Mehu, Mho 1. summers. Lyman Ballard. Burrows kelson, Z idok T. Daniel, Otto Voss, Daniel K. sargent, Carl AUtk)tt and Wm. i'. Klpiey. Discharged: Addison Dent, claw 1; assistant messengers, Wm. Q. Silence and i^. P. Harris. iransfetred: Asst. Mess. c. F. (.rosby to J. A. G. O.; watchmen. Jno. c. Mack, to laborer, s. G. O.; Theobald Freeh, to assistant n^ a^ uger, s. G. O.; labtaum, ( has. E. Beibr. to assistant na s^onger, Q. M. G. o.; Jas. W. Hprart, to laborer P. M. G. O. COMMlsSAKV-UEhERAJ'8 0FH E. Discharged: Watchmen: Jno. t ha3. Ryan,Henry Johnson. PAVMASTkR-OKNERAI 'S O^CICA Diacharged -Assiatantme^eu^ r, wm. Kearney. Watchmen: Frank Armstrong, Michael Buckley. Laborers: Francis K. Petty, Patrick Carpenter, TLun Joseph, Ttios. Highfield, and Elwm D. SUm--n. Reductions - Watchmen: iimothy Lane, Jas. i/jveless, Jas. R. Lelghbr, Wahacc Grant, to i.Jurer& Trhnsmr—Watchman Chas. Brannan to assistant mew* ng^r. JUlX^-ADVOCATk-OEStRALB 017103- ?*:per N. Morrison, appninb^d chief clerk at ^2,000, by transfer from chief ciurk Bureau of MIL Hary Justice. Discharged: M. F. Denny, aaaist-act messenger. OTHER CHARGES. The following additional changes have occurred in the force of the War Department the appointees lx tng formerly emph^yed lu the diff^**eut bureaus: Discharged from the War Department and ap-jiointcdinthoonicr of the Superintendent of the S'me. War, and Xavy bullding^-Watchmen: Frank Arm-drong, M. B. Buckley, Wm. B. Denny, M. P. Desmond, Writ. H. Goodacrc, Theo. Jos^plt, J. H. Kerr, Jas. MeGratlt, Nicholas McGowan. Jas. O'Hara. Thus. Alack. Washington L. Parvin, Theo, Winn, Wm. Waters Firemen, from watchman. War Department—A. W. Jiogia, Patrick Catyenter. Jno. Dowell, Henry Joottst n, Jno. Leahy, Jas. Plnn, Jeremiah coliina Reduced from watchmen, War Department, th laborers, scperlntendent's oftlce—F. K. Petty, Pm rick Dulahanty, Tnos. H. Cross. Irom watt hnn n, AVar Department, to eievator conductors—c. *.w. Giddens, Jno. c. Ryan, E. D. Stimson, Arthur Yeatman. Discharged—Watchmen: Chas. H. Wood and Jas. Lamb.