D 20 COLORED AGRICULTURAL & NORMAL UNIVERSITY LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA 19 January 1937 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT J. W. SANFORD. PRESIDENT Southern Publishing Association The Message Magazine 2119 Twenty-fourth, North Nashville, Tennessee Gentlemen: Will you kindly furnish us with the address of Miss Eva B. Dykes, Ph. D; the writer of the article, "Twentieth-Century Christians” in the third quarter issue of your magazine? We have an open position that we would like to offer her. Very truly yours, J. W. Sanford President JWS:J 4p* D 8 Howard University WASHINGTON 1, D. C. THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS OFFICE OF THE DEAX 27 July 1944 9 RECOMMENDATION NUMBER 80 Indefinite Leave of Absence of Eva B. Dykes, Associate Professor of English RECOMMENDED THAT: Eva B» Dykes, Associate Professor of English, be given indefinite leave of absence from the College of Liberal Arts, beginning September 1, 19U4. Respectfully submitted, "V .................... 1/ J. St. Clair Price f Dean 2p. D f May 24, 1948 Mr. Reid E. Jackson \ College of Education and Industrial Arts Wilberforce, Ohio My dear Mr. Jacksent I appreciate your letter of April 17 concerning a future vacancy in your Department of English. I am on permanent tenure at Oakwood and at present am not contemplating leaving the school. Should I do so, however, I shall be ’lad to consider your offer. i Remember me kindly to President Wesley and his wife. Very truly yours, Eva B. Dykes EBD/gjr ©akfaronir (College /Huntsville, Alabama (©ffice of Uje ^IreBihent December 3, 1949 Dr. E. B. Dykes Campus Dear Dr. Dykes: After leaving Cunningham Hall on Thrusday afternoon, I have heard many laudatory comments about your very fine address. No Joseph A. Tucker Lecturer has ever met with a more enthusiastic reception than yours. Students and faculty members present all found in it a challenge to more vigorous effort in preparing to meet the inevitable problems that the days bring. And certainly all of us benefited from your penetrating analysis of the opportunities to be found in '•Diadems and Fagots •’. The longer I think about your words, the more I appreciate their significance. Sincerely yours, F. L. Peterson President FLP/mek D 7 ©ukimnit) (Cuilrxir ©ffirr xxf thr ^rr«ri»rnf Mb February 11, 1946 Dr. Eva B. Dykes Campus Dear Dr. Dykes: The Board wishes to express our appreciation for the service that you are rendering at Oakwood College and this is to inform you that at the Board meeting which was held February 6-7 you were elected as a permanent member of the Oakwood College faculty which means that at subsequent Board meetings your name will not come up for consideration. As to your work for the summer you may stop in my office and discuss this with me. Very sincerely yours, President FLP:vp F; iX Piter^on College of Education and Industrial Arts MAINTAINED BY THE STATE OF OHIO CHARLES H. WESLEY, PRESIDENT WILBERFORCE, OHIO DIVISION OF ARTS AND SCIENCES April 17, 19U8 REID E. JACKSON, Director Dr. Eva B. Dykes Alabama A. and M. College Huntsville, Alabama My dear Dr. Dykes: We will have a vacancy in our Department of English, beginning in September, 191i8. If you are interested kindly complete the enclosed blank and return to me at once. President Wesley is particularly interested in having you to come to our faculty here. Very trulf/ yoru/s, REJsejp Enc: 1 Reid E. [Jackson DIRECTOR SOUTH CENTRAL CONFERENCE of Seventh-day Adventists P. 0. BOX 936 Telephone CAnal 8-3403 NASHVILLE 2, TENNESSEE Office of the President July 21, 19$9 Dr. Eva B. Dykes OAKWOOD COLLEGE Huntsville, Alabama Dear Dr. Dykes: Again it is camp meeting time and we are feverishly making plans and anticipating the best camp meeting that we have ever held at Oakwood. You have always been an inspiration and a blessing to our camp meeting, musically speaking, so we are asking you to assume the responsibility as in years past of directing the camp choir. This automatically places you on the music committee of which Brother J. P. Willis is chairman. Elder E. E. Cleveland will be speaking evangelistically in the evening meetings and he will be happy to know that you have charge of the choir. I am certain that the Lord will direct you as you plan for this great occasion. Very sincerely yours, w. W. Fordham, President WWF:dw Dr. Eva B. Dykes Oakwood College Huntsville, Alabama D4 R. R. Figuhr, president W. R. BEACH, SECRETARY C. L. TORREY. TREASURER VICE-PRESIDENTS V. G. ANDERSON, GENERAL M. V. CAMPBELL, GENERAL W. E. MURRAY. GENERAL W. B. Ochs, north America W. P. Bradley, associate secretary E. E. ROENFELT, associate secretary N. W. DUNN, ASSOCIATE SECRETARY F. L. PETERSON, ASSOCIATE SECRETARY E. w. Dunbar, associate secretary f. R. Millard, associate secretary O. A. BLAKE, UNDERTREASURER R. H. ADAIR. ASSISTANT TREASURER C. W. BOZARTH. ASSISTANT TREASURER W. E. PHILLIPS. ASSISTANT TREASURER K. H. Emmerson, assistant treasurer General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 6840 EASTERN AVENUE NW.. TAKOMA WASHINGTON IS, »• €?• GENERAL FIELD SECRETARIES H. W. LOWE C. E. MOSELEY. JR. F. A. MOTE G. E. VANDEMAN R. S. WATTS August 27, 1962 CABLE ADDRESS “ADVENTIST” WASHINGTON TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS ‘GENERAL CONFERENCE” WASHINGTON, D.C. Dr. Eva B. Dykes Oakwood College Huntsville, Alabama Dear Dr. Dykes: It is dnly natural for me to muse upon the happenings at the General Conference as I sit again in the quietness of the home office. Oddly enough I reviewed our Sabbath School lesson of that famous last Sabbath, and I thrilled again as I remembered the wonderful contribution you made to the success of the lesson. I have heard nothing but praises for the way the lesson was conducted, and the magnificent contribution that each participant made. So I just felt to thank you again in writing for the noble way you presented your portion of the lesson study. If I had it to do again, I believe I would use the same persons in the same way. Blessings upon you and yours as you continue to serve the Master in your important part of His great vineyard. Cordially yours, C. E. Moseley, Jr. Field Secretary CEM:rlj D22 OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 6840 Eastern Ave. NW, Washington DC 20012 Phone: (202) 723-0800 Cables: Adventist Washington Telegrams: General Conference Washington DC Telex: 89-580 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION May 2, 1973 Dr. Eva B. Dykes Oakwood College Huntsville, Alabama 35806 Dear Doctor Dykes: It was so pleasant seeing you at the ceremony of dedication of the Eva B. Dykes Library. You have my sincere congratulations for that richly deserved honor and for receiving the Citation for Excellence. Shortly after the service of tribute at the Dupont Church (held several years ago), I believe that I sent a copy of my remarks to Mrs. Murphy. As promised when we met at Oakwood on April 22, I am enclosing a copy for you. Do I understand that you have elected to continue to live at Oakwood? That’s very welcome news. May every blessing be yours in the years ahead! Cordially, Garland J. MilzLet Associate Secretary GJM:wlt Enc. WILLIAM H. GRAY JR.. PRESIDENT OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ^allafjassee, Jflariba December 20,. 1945 Dr. Eva B. Dykes Oakwood College Huntsville Alabama Dear Dr. Dykes: I was very pleased to have had the opportunity of meeting you at the recent meeting of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools* As indicated to you there, I am particularly interested in securing the services of outstanding persons to work here on the faculty and we would be certainly interested to have you consider the possibility of employment here, if you would care to leave Oakwood for another year. With kindest personal regards, I am WHG/add Sincerely yours, Mn. H. Grayl//r. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Howard University WASHINGTON 1, I> C. March Seventeenth 19 ^5 Dear Dr. Dykes: It was a thrilling experience for us to have you with us on Charter Day. Your very fitting and beautiful letterhead by Mrs. Allen, was gladly received by those who were present at the Charter Day Dinner. You feel, I know, in what warm esteem you are held by the members of the faculty and by the trustees and graduates of Howard University. I thank you for sending me tne Figco and the Vitamin B powder, with its delicious bacon taste. Several times already I have had a cup of the coffee and I have enjoyed it. It was a very nice thing for you to take time out of your very few moments at home, to send these to me. Your letter about Oakwood College makes me wish to come down some day to see it. This I shall certainly do^ and I hope to be able to bring Mrs. Johnson with me. Sincerely yours, Dr. Eva B. Dykes Department of English Oakwood College Huntsville, Alabama D25 COLLEGE OF MEDICAL EVANGELISTS LOMA LINDA SCHOOL OF NURSING LOMA LINDA. CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR July 7, 1941 Miss Eva B. Dykes The College of Liberal Arts Howard University Washington, D. C. Dear Miss Dykes: We are very sorry that we have no place in our school for your niece, Eva M. Simms. Our classes for this fall are made up, and we have a long waiting list of students to fill any possible vacancies. We find ourselves in position that makes it impossible for us to accept colored students. The hospitals with which we must affiliate for communicable diseases nursing and pediatrics nursing will not accept colored students. Therefore it is not possible for our school to graduate with full standing students who cannot complete affiliation work. I understand that the White Memorial School of Nursing, 312 North Boyle Avenue, Los Angeles, California, can arrange an affiliation with the County Hospital in Los Angeles for colored students to receive work that their school is not able to give, and can thus graduate colored students. A plan for enrolling colored students in a school of nursing has also been arranged by the General Conference. You can learn the details of this plan if you write to Miss D. Lois Burnett, Medical Department, General Conference of 8. D. A., Takoma Park, 'Washington, D. C. We are really very sympathetic with the needs of the colored students, and would be very happy to accept them if it were possible for us to give them full work and graduate them. Sincerely yours, Ethel 7. Walder, R. N. ( ,f> i Director, School of Nursing BS:mbs D21 Office of The Superintendent of instruction BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF ST. LOU IS September 29, 1921. Miss Eva Beatrice Dykes, 1724 8th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. My dear Madam: Would you wish to be considered for appointment at this time, and when could you report for duty if we should decide to appoint you? In your reply olease state your expectation as to salary. Kindly reply at once as we are anxious to fill existing vacancies. Respectfully, Assistant Superintendent.. WJSB:VM AFTER FIVE DAYS RETURN TO HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. Office of the President Miss Eva Beatrice Dykes,, Ph. D., 1724 Eighth Street, IJ. W., Washington, D. C. fi. NEWMAN, A. R.11 «D. President HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. Ex-Chief Justice STANTON J. PEELL President Board of Trustees ^6 Sept. 20, 1917. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The bearer of this note, Miss Eva B. Dykes, was graduated from Howard University in 1914 with high honor. She is an ambitious, capable scholar, e* young woman of excellent general qualities, superior mental gifts, and is calculated to be very useful in educational work. I commend hsr very highly to all with whom she may have President. THE MUSICIANS GUILD OF WASHINGTON, I .. Regular Monthly Meeting APRIL 19, 1937 FRAZIER HALL HOWARD UNIVERSITY ***XXX XX XXXXXXXXX X^X^-XgXgX^, X^^X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX 1. Opening of meeting-----Chairman of Program Committee 2. Introduction, of the President — Dr. Eva Dykes 3. Brief remarks by the President 4. Music Jft’q., Vivian Sollier Douglass 5. Introduction of Speaker - ---- Mr. Alfred H. Johnson, Supervisor of Music in the Public Schools of Washington, D. C., Divisions 10-13. MOORLAND-SPINGARN RESEARCH CENTER Howard University Washington, D.C. 20059 December 17, 1986 Librarian Eva B. Dykes Library Oakwood College Huntsville, AL 35806 Dear Librarian, The staff of the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center was sadden to hear of the death of Dr. Eva B. Dykes. As you may know, in 1977 Dr. Dykes designated MSRC as the repository for her papers. We completed processing the papers this past summer and forwarded an index to Dr. Dykes in September 1986. Enclosed is a copy of the index for the library. Also enclosed is a number of duplicate items (programs, news articles, poems) from the papers that may be useful for the Oakwood College Library. Included is a xerox copy of the obituary of Dr. Dykes from the Washington Afro-American. We would be grateful if you would send Moorland-Spingarn copies of any other obituaries and memorial programs that you may have. And if you have a collection on Dr. Dykes we would be interested to know, so that we may refer researchers to your collection. Thank you for any assistance you may provide. Sincerely, Karen L. Jefferson Senior Manuscript Librarian Howard University Museum w Howard University Archives D10 C'ttv, ft. §■. ©e;t. 8-tA, lQ2q. fiea^v illtoo GUI /VetuAn^3lg to 1JOG the two tettc^VO l^OU Oo htndt'l^ Oent to me whtte at Cotumtuo. A am ou^ve ^ou muot ^eet ve^-^. hap^'g, ^o'v <& muot cont^^o that i>et4/eve that uouA V4/O*vt to the o^ttetato the^ve wg& the one ttq t'htng that hetped ua get what we dtd get. Gnd & am wtth gou tn the ttght to heep d/tght on unttt we get a ^t^vot etaoo ^antta^i/tum tn the hoVth ^o^v the t'vatntng ot nu^^» you ma^ count on me atwago aa one that wttt do att wtt'htn ^owe^v to aa^t'&t ^ou tn t'ht^ $ood wo^fe. A /hope u,ou wttt ^ee-^ u;p the ttg^/ht# , UouAo tn t-he ISaoteA * o oe^vvtce, D18 SYA201 NSA190 Ins TKAO17 PD AR=WUX TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE ALA 28 1204P CST=i oo PM 2 :MISS EVA B DYKE 3= OAKWOOD COLL EflE HUNTSV ILL £ ALA 20 FRENCH RIDGE NEW ROCHELLE .■COULD YOU POSSIBLY GET LEAVE FROM OAK WOOD COLLEGE TO SPEND ONE YEAR WITH US AT TUSKEGEE INST. BEGINNING IN SEPT. 1961 FOR THE MANY THINGS OUR ENGLISH DEPT. ~ HAS PLANNED FOR NEXT YEAR. YOU COULD OFFER VALUABLE ASSISTANCE^ S E WALKER, CHAIRMAN DEPT. OF ENGLISH TUSKEGEE INST. gcw/l (FORMERLY M STREET HIGH SCHOOL) WASHINGTON, D. C. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION DUNBAR AUDITORIUM APRIL 12, 13, 14. 1921 Community Night, April 12. Evening Recital, Afternoon Operetta and School Activities April 13 Alumni Night and Reception April 14 COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES GARNET C. WILKINSON, PRINCIPAL AMPLIAS H. GLENN, CHAIRMAN JAMES COWAN, PARENTS AND STUDENTS HENRY L. GRANT, business manager MARY L. EUROPE, CH'M MUSIC COMMITTEE SAMUEL MILTON, DECORATIONS CLARENCE LEWIS, USHERS April 5, 1921. ALUMNI OFFICERS &. REPRESENTATIVES CAMBELL C. JOHNSON. PRESIDENT LILLIAN BURKE. VICE PRESIDENT THORNTON GR AY. SECON D VICE PR ES. JULIA BROOKS, TREASURER CLYDE MCDUFFIE, secretary J. C. WRIGHT ARTHUR C. NEWMAN EUGENE CLARK S MITH WORMLEY BENJ. WASHINGTON JENNIE T. WILDER Kiss Eva Dykes, Dunbar High School. My dear Miss Dykes: I am writing to extend, to you my sincere congratulations upon your success in winning from Radcliff College your ph. D. Considered from any angle this is a worthy accomplishment. No other colored woman in America has won yet such a distinction; very few men of color have attained to such honor; in fact, few are the persons who enter the ranks of scholars. Very sincerely, Principal HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT May Eleven 19 2 2 Miss Eva Beatrice Dykes, Ph. D., 1724 Eighth Street, IT. W., Washington, D. C. My dear Dr. Dykes: I have great pleasure in inviting you to participate in our Goramenoement exercises and march in the academic procession for that day. A special section will be assigned to you, and I am also inviting Dr. Mossell and Dr. Simpson. I should be glad if you could favor us with your presence. Very sincerely yours, D 10 Howard University WASHINGTON, D. C. October Thirty-first Office of the President . 19 4 0 Dear Professor Dykes: Following the recommendation of Professor Charles H. Thompson, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, I am writing on behalf of the general faculty to appoint you a member of the University Committee on Student Activities. I greatly hope that you may be willing to accept this appointment, for I feel that on this committee you may be able to render a very helpful service to the University. Sincerely yours, r Mordecai W. Johnson President Professor Eva B. Dykes Department of English Howard University