DR. EVA B.DYKES 1893- 1986 LOCAL LEVEL HISTORY Danella Baptiste 5th Grade January 9, 1990 JANUARY 9, 1991 How I Researched and developed my Topic I decided to do research on Eva B. Dykes because I read about her before^ and found her very interesting,so I wanted to learn more about her. First I went to the school library to get the book I had used before which is REGOLLEGTIOHS OF VALOR EVA DYKES A STAR TO SHOW THE WAY. I read the book through to my mother , and I took notes as I read. Eva B Dykes became even more interesting to me and I pnjoyed reading about her more and more. My mom suggested to me that the best place to get more information will be at Oakwood’s library. We went to Oakwood library where I asked for material on on Eva B. Dykes X "i > C J- 1- JI C*O vA that a 5th grader^use for a social studies project. The person told me that I will find this information in the Archives. She took my mom and I to a room where there were lots of filing cabinets. Mrs. Dixon (the person working in the Archives) opened a drawer and took out a folder and gave it to^which had lots of information on Eva B. Dykes. We went through the material and decided on what we should copy. I saw a paper which Dr. Dykes wrote when she was eleven years old, in her actual handwritings but I was not allowed to get a copy of it. I then took home all of the materialthat I collected and with the help of my mom, decided what I should include in my project. The book I read mentioned Mervyn Warren as one of Dr. Dykes' readers. My mom told me that I can get an inter view with him because he is one of the professors at Oakwood College. We got an appointment and I went to Dr. Warren’s office at Oakwood College. I asked him my questions and he responded. I decided to play it back, and it was blank. I forgot to turn on the mike. We did it all over again. I went home and started to write my paper from all of the information that I collected. DR. EVA B. DYKES 1893 - 1986 After being set free from slavery, Eva B. Dykes grandparents moved from Maryland to Washington D.C. to educate their children. Eva’s grandparents sent their children to college, but Eva’s mother had to leave because of poor health. Eva’s mother married James Dykes and they had three children^ Florence, Eva, and Anita. Their father deserted the family for a reason no-one knows . -