CURRICULUM VITAE EVA B. DYKES Education: Public Schools of Washington, D.C. Howard University, B.A. summa cum laude Radcliffe College, B.A. magna cum laude; M.A., Ph.D Linguistic Institute (Summer Session, Indiana University Teaching Experience; Walden University, Dunbar High School, Howard University, Oakwood College A & M College, (Part-time) PUBLICATIONS Magazines Message Articles Departments: Counsel Corner Morning Meditations This Morning with God Your Bible Speaks Youth's Instructor Articles: "Diadem and Fagots" "A Life Beautiful" (Mother Cunningham) Negro History Bulletin A Review of Marian Anderson's Autobiography: "My Lord, What a Morning "Bryant and His Poetry" "The Poetry of the Civil War" Journal of Negro His~TOry Article Fiftieth Annual Anniversity Number Review and Herald "Bible Women as Good & Bad Counsellors" "The Investiture Supreme" -2- Books The Negro in English Romantic Thought: Harcourt, Brace and Company Reading for Negro Schools and Colleges: Co-editors Lorenzo Turner, Otelia Cromwell, Eva Dykes. Associated Publishers Participation in preparation of a Manual for £ Beginning Teacher of Lingusitics in £ Secondary School (Indiana University, Owen Thomas, author) A Manual of English: Florence M. Winslow and Eva B. Dykes CHURCH EXPERIENCE Ephesus Church, (Washington, D. C.) All positions except those of deaconess and janitor Oakwood College Church Choir Director Home Missionary Leader Assistant Lay Activities Leader Leader of Camp Meeting Choirs for South Atlantic Conference of S.D.A. Northeastern Conference of S.D.A. Allegheny Conference of S.D.A. Lecturer on Christian Education and Youth Problems at various Regional Conferences and Youth Congress (Atlanta, Georgia) Reader of Papers at two Quadrennial Meetings of Departments of English in S.D.A. Schools and Colleges, and also at College Language Association Speaker at various churches on Women's Day and other occasions COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Lecturer, Commencement speaker, Consultant on Careers. LEARNED AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Phi Beta Kappa National Council of Teachers of English National Teachers Assoication Modern Language Alumni Association Howard University Alumni Association Radcliffe College Alumni Association Oakwood College Alumni Association AWARDS AND HONORS By unanimous vote of Howard University Alumni recipient of Alumni Award for highest grade point average attained DURING UNDERGRADUATE YEARS. Recipient of scholarships for five consecutive years at Radcliffe College. By unanimous vote of Howard University Faculty selected as THE BEST ALL-AROUND TEACHER OF THE FACULTY. Award from Daniel Payne College for Distinguished Teaching. Recipient of Annual Alumni Award conferred by the Trustees of Howard University for distinguished postgraduate achievement in education. Charter Day, March 2, 1945. Recipient of Plaque Chicago Chapter of the Oakwood Alumni Association for distinguished teaching. A new Oakwood College Library building was named in honor of Dr. E. B. Dykes when it was dedicated in April, 1975. RECItPIENT OF THE CERTIFICATE OF MERIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF Education of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in 1973. Recipient of a citation of excellence in recognition of outstanding CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD PROGRAM OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN Vienna, Austria in 1975. CURRICULUM VITAE EVA B. DYKES BIRTHPLACE: Washington, D. C. ON: Howard University Training School, graces 1-4 Lucretia Mott Elementary School, Washington, D.C., grades 5-8 M Street High School (Dunbar), Washington, D. C. Howard University, B.A. Summa cum lauds Radcliffe College, B.'A. Magna cum laude, M.A., Ph.D. Linguistic Institute (Summer Session) Indiana Uni.e- irv Education class, New York University, New York (Auditor) New York University, under Milton E. Loomis TEACH i NG EXPERIENCE: -"-Walden University, Dunbar High School, Howard University, Oakwood College, A.& M. University (Part-time) PUBLICATIONS Magazines ... R ICLi COUNSI Moi Mi This Moriiin< wi Your Bible Speaks YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR Articles "Diadems and Fagots" "A Life Beautiful" - Mother Isabel Cunningham |'JO longer exists Curriculum - 2 NEGRO HISTORY BULLETIN A Review of Marian Anderson's Autobiography, My Lord, What a Morning! "Bryant and His Poetry" JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY Article: Fiftieth Annual Anniversary Number R EV IEW AND HERALD Article: "The Women of the Bible as Good and Bad Counsellors" Article: "The Investiture Supreme" Books The Negro in English Roman ric Thought: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, N.Y. R EADINGS FOR NEGRO SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. CO-EDITORS: LORENZO TURNER, Otelia Cromwell, Eva Dykes. Associated Publishers, Washington, D. C. Participation in the preparation of A Manual for a Beginning Teacher of LINGUISTICS IN A SECONDARY SCHOOL (Indiana University, Owen Thomas, author) A Manual of English (mimeographed): Co-authors: Florence Winslow and Eva Dykes, Oakwood College. CHURCH AND SECULAR EXPERIENCES Ephesus S.D.A. Church, Washington, D. C. Superintendent of Senior, Junior, and Primary Divisions Sabbath School Pianist Church Organist Director of Church Choir Missionary Volunteer Leader Member of Church Board Member of School Board Church Treasurer Sherman Avenue Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. Organist Asbury M.E. Church, Washington, D. C. Director of Choir Curriculum - 5 Oakwood College Church and School Experiences 1945 - 1968 Home Missionary Society Leader Director of Church Choir Sponsor of the Oakwood College Chapter of the SDA Temperance Society Director of Campmeeting Choirs for: South Atlantic Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Allegheny Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Lecturer on Christian Education and Youth Problems at various Regional Conferences and at the Youth Conference in Atlanta, Georgia Director: Oakwood College Church Choir Director: College Oratorio Society when Handel's Messiah was. presented FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE. Date of presentation: during the Christmas Season, 1945 Director: Faculty Women's Chorus Sponsor: Delta Sigma Club of women students Sponsor: Activities of various senior classes Activities 1970 - 1977 Deaconess - Oakwood College Church Co-Pianist - Sabbath School Associate Lay Activities Leader Interest coordinator of church activities Learned and Professional Societies Phi Beta Kappa (Iota Chapter) National Teachers' Association, Oakwood College Member Emeri tus : American Association of University Professors Alumni Associat ions Radcliffe College Alumni Association Associate Member, Oakwood College Alumni Association Curriculum - 4 Awards and Honors By unanimous vote of Howard University Faculty selected as the BEST ALL-AROUND TEACHER OF THE FACULTY. By unanimous vote of the Howard University Alumni, the recipient of the alumni award for the highest grade point average attained during undergraduate years. Recipient of scholarships for five consecutive semesters at Radcliffe College Recipient of an award from Daniel Payne College for distinguished teaching. Recipient of the Annual Alumni Award conferred by the Trustees of Howard University for distinguished post-graduate achievement in education, Charter Day, March 2, 1945. Recipient of a plaque from the Chicago Chapter of the Oakwood College Alumni Association for distinguished teaching. Recipient of an award from the American Association of University Women, Huntsville Branch (1976) At the suggestion of Dr. Frank Hale, a former president of Oakwood, THE NAMING OF THE OAKWOOD COLLEGE LIBRARY AS THE ”EVA B. DYKES Library.” One of the two guests of honor and speakers at the charter meeting of the National Association of Black Professional Women in Higher Education at ’’Wingspread,” Racine, Wisconsin, April 4-6, 1976. 4p. D12 CURRICULUM VITAE. EVA B. DYKES Birthplace: Washington, D.C. Date of Birth; August 13, 1893 Education; Howard University Training School, grades 1-4 Lucretia Mott Elementary School, Washington, D.C. M. Street High School Howard University, B.A. summa cum laude Radcliffe College, B.A. magna cum laude, M.A., Ph.D. Indiana University, Linguistic Institute (summer session) New York University, New York, Auditor, Class in Education Teaching Experience: Walden University ,* Nashville, Tennessee Dunbar High School, Washington, D.C. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama A & M College, Huntsville, Alabama (part-time) Message PUBLICATIONS Magazines Articles: Departments - Counsel Comer Morning Meditations This Morning With God Your Bible Speaks * No longer exists (more) - 2 - Journal of Negro History Article: Fiftieth Annual Anniversary Number Review and Herald Vol. 147 No. 23 "The Investiture Supreme" Review and Herald Vol. 146 No. 27 "Bible Wives as Counselors" The Negro in English Romantic Thought: Harcourt, Brace and Company Readingfor Negro Schools and Colleges: Co-editors, Lorenzo Turner, Otelia Cromwell, Eva Dykes, Associated Publishers Participation in preparation of A Manual for a Beginning Teacher of Linguistics in a Secondary School (Indiana University, Owen Thomas, author) A Manual of English: Florence M. Winslow and Eva B. Dykes, Oakwood College (mimeographed) CHURCH EXPERIENCES BEFORE 1945 Sherman Avenue Baptist Church - Organist Asbury M.E. Church, Washington, D. C. - Director of Choir Ephesus S. D. A. Church, Washington, D. C. - Superintendent of Senior, Junior and Primary Divisions of the Sabbath School Church Organist Director of Church Choir Missionary Volunteer Leader Member of Church Board Member of Church School Board Church Treasurer OAKWOOD COLLEGE CHURCH AND SCHOOL EXPERIENCES 1945-1968 Home Missionary Society Leader Director of Church Choir Sponsor of the Oakwood College Chapter of the SDA Temperance Society Lecturer on Christen Education and Youth Problems at various regional conferences. Director: Campmeeting choirs for South Atlantic, Northeastern, Allegheny, and Southwestern Conferences Director: Faculty Women’s Chorus Director: Oakwood College Choir BOOKS Curriculum - 3 OAKWOOD COLLEGE CHURCH AND SCHOOL EXPERIENCES 1945-1968 Home Missionary Society Leader Director of Church Choir Sponsor of the Oakwood College Chapter of the SDA Temperance Society Lecturer on Christian Education and Youth Problems at various regional conferences Director: Camp meeting choirs for South Atlantic, Northeastern, Allegheny, and Southwestern Conferences Director: Faculty Women's Chorus Director: Oakwood College Choir Director: College Oratorio Society when Handel's Messiah was presented for the first time in the City of Huntsville Date of Presentation: during the Christmas Season, 1945 Director: Faculty Women's Club Chorus Sponsor: Kappa Sigma Theta - Students' Club Sponsor: Activities of various College groups ACTIVITIES 1970-1977 Part-time member of College Faculty from 1970-1974 Associate Member — Local and National Alumni Associations Deaconess - Oakwood College Church Co-pianist — Oakwood College Church Sabbath School Associate Lay Activities Leader LEARNED AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Phi Beta Kappa (Iota Chapter) National Teachers' Association Member - Emeritus: American Association of University Professors (more) - • V Curriculum - 4 ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Radcliffe College Alumni Association Associate Member, Oakwood College Alumni Association AWARDS AND HONORS By unanimous vote of the Howard University Alumni Association the recipient of the Alumni Award for the highest grade point average during undergraduate years By unanimous vote of Howard University Faculty selected as the best all-around teacher of the faculty Recipient of the Annual Alumni Award conferred by the Trustees of Howard University for distinguished teaching Recipient of scholarships for five consecutive semesters at Radcliffe College Award from Daniel Payne College for Distinguished Teaching Recipient of the Annual Alumni award conferred by the Trustees of Howard University for distinguished post-graduate achievement in education: Charter Day, March 2, 1945 Recipient of a plaque from the Chicago Chapter of the Oakwood College Alumni Association for distinguished teaching Recipient of an Award from the American Association of University Women, Huntsville, Alabama Branch, 1976 At the suggestion of Dr. Frank Hale, a formdr president of Oakwood College, the naming of the Oakwood College Library as the "Eva B. Dykes Library" One of the speakers and one of the three guests of honor (Sadie M. Alexander, and Georgiana Simpson now deceased) at the charter meeting of the National Association of Black Professional Women in Higher Education at "Wingspread," Racine, Wisconsin April 4-6, 1976 (finis)